Choose the CBD that is right for you!

CBD offer numerous therapeutic benefits, and EKA CBD offers three options types of CBD to help you find the best solution for your individual needs. We offer our products in Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, and Isolate.

CBD Types

CBD Isolate (0% THC)

Our CBD Isolate products contain pure CBD only and will contain no THC or any other minor cannabinoids that are present in our Full and Broad Spectrum products. While not providing all of the benefits of our Full and Broad Spectrum CBD products, it can be quite effective and will leave only CBD in your system

(cannabinoids that may be present)

Broad Spectrum CBD (0 % THC)

Our Broad Spectrum CBD products are similar to our Full Spectrum CBD products, but with non-detectable THC*. This will include many of the minor cannabinoids that may be present in our Full Spectrum CBD, but typically in lower quantities. This is the ideal option for those that are looking for more benefits than a CBD Isolate and are not comfortable with THC.

*Broad Spectrum CBD – non-detectable THC, as per the limit of detection (LOD) and/or limit of qualification (LOQ). Depending on these limits, trace amounts of THC may be present.

(cannabinoids that may be present)

Full Spectrum CBD (<.3% THC)

Our Full Spectrum CBD products will contain small amounts of THC that is under the federally legal limit of 0.3% and will provide you with the largest spectrum available and what we call the entourage effect – this will provide the maximum benefit created by all of the plant compounds working in harmony. While the THC is typically low enough most users will not experience any psychoactive effects, we do not recommend this if you are not comfortable with consuming even trace amounts of THC or trace amounts in your system would affect any drug testing you may be subject to.

(cannabinoids that may be present)